Monday, January 29, 2007

Because I Was Bored . . . Thanks Cupcake

001. real name ? If you're reading this, you probably know it.
002. nickname ? Maloo, Mellie, Lissa, etc. etc.
003. single or taken ? singe
004. zodiac sign ? sometimes cancer, sometimes gemini--I'm a cuspy.
005. male or female ? That would be . . . female.
006. elementary ? Grant Elementary in Springville
008. highschool? Tempe High--Go Buffaloes!!
010. hair color ? brown. nothing special
011. long or short-- medium
015. are you health freak ? I don't think anyone would call me a health freak.
016. height ?Actually I don't know exactly. 5'4" ish?
017. do you have a crush on someone ? Yes.
018. do you like yourself ? Mostly.
019. piercings ? Ears--one in each.
020. tattoos ? Yeah right. Because I want the pleasure of ink being injected under my skin with a needle.
021. righty or lefty ? righty, but in Kindergarten my teacher asked me if I was left handed because I held my scissors backwards.


022. first surgery ? I had caps put on my teeth when I was four--but is it surgery if internal organs aren't exposed?
023. first piercing ? ears
024. first best friend ? dustin was the friend I first played with all the time, but Kristine is the one I'd call my first best friend.
025. first award ? I think I won a coloring contest in third grade.
026. first sport you joined ? basketball . . . or was it swimming?
027. first pet ? That I remember? Miss Kitty--but there were other cats before her that I don't remember.
028. first vacation ? Probably to St. George or maybe it was when we went to Fresno.
029. first concert ? what kind of concert? I was in school musicals in elementary school, but my first concert was in 6th grade: recorder band. Oh yea, that was pretty (insert heavy sarcasm).
030. first crush ? Well, maybe you could say Dustin was my first crush because we were friends of opposite gender (in kindergarten, and then he moved), but it was probably Brandon that I first considered as a crush. We told each other we loved each other in first grade, but then in third grade he swore at recess and I stopped liking him. That was also the year that Dustin moved back from New Mexico, so I think I was just looking for an excuse to dump Brandon.


049. eating ? nada
050. drinking ? zilch
052. i'm about to ? get ready for bed.
053. listening to ? the ceiling fan in the bathroom and the sound of me typing.
055. waiting for ? Godot. Oops, no. Waiting for . . . so much.
057. wearing ? jeans, hoodie, slippers.


058. want kids? Never, ever. And if you believe that, then you don't know me.
059. want to get married?? and how!
060. careers in mind? College professor, literature critic, foremost Jane Austen authority, world dominator--wait, did I say that out loud?


068. lips or eyes? ? I think I like looking at eyes more than lips, but you can do funner things with lips.
069. hugs or kisses ? get back to me when I've actually had a kiss--wait, did I say that outloud?
070. shorter or taller ? taller than me, but not too much
072. romantic or spontaneous? spontaneously romantic
073. nice stomach or nice arms ? arms--the better to hold you with my dear
074. sensitive or loud ? who would actually want someone who's loud?
075. hook-up or relationship ? what kind of question is this?
077. trouble maker or hesitant? I like a little bit of a trouble maker


078. kissed a stranger ? no
079. drank bubbles ? bubble liquid is disgusting, why would you drink that? ;)
080. lost glasses/contacts ? don't wear them so, no. Do I need them--probably.
081. ran away from home ? I've packed up to run away, but never actually went anywhere.
082. broken any bones ? I guess I broke my thumb when I was 4 when I got it stuck in a folding chair, but I don't remember that.
084. broken someone's heart ? not to my knowledge
085. been arrested ? no, but oddly there's a part of me that wishes I could answer this question differently.
086. turned someone down ? not directly. I just gave him excuses until he got the hint. I'm a chicken.
087. cried when someone died ? umm, who wouldn't?
088. liked a friend ? Yes, I typically do like my friends. j/k Yes, I have been romantically interested in friends who are of the opposite sex.


089. yourself? sometimes
090. miracles ? yes
091. love at first sight ? sort of . . .
092. heaven ? yeah
093. santa claus ? That a big, fat man in a red suit comes down my chimney to give me presents? No. That there was once a man who gave gifts to children and has come to represent the spirit of giving and kindness at Christmas-time? Yes.
094. sex on the first date ? who would say yes to this?!
095. kissing on the first date ? only of the hershey variety . . . ok maybe a quick one on the cheek
096. angels ? yes


097. is there one or more people you want to be with right now? I'm not exactly sure what this question means . . . but if it means are there people that you care about and miss, but they aren't around right now, then yes.

Wheres 98? <-------right there . . . no, over here -----> 98

099. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Please, as if.

100. do you believe in god? See #92 (That means yes.)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Singin' and Dancin'

So my little sister is freakin' awesome! Tonight we went to the opening night of her school's dinner theater program, and she performed in seven songs. She's just too good for words. She moved my mom and aunt to tears, and I think I saw a couple of other audience members wiping away tears too.

The program was a musical review, so they performed selections from a number of musicals. Their first number was an ensemble number: "Footloose" from Footloose. This was the musical they performed at the end of last year, so I think this was a little nod to some of the alumni who had returned to perform tonight. The kid who sang the song was one of those alumni, and he also played Ren last year. It was nice to see him reprise the role--he's got some power in his voice.

The girls then performed "Wash That Man" from South Pacific, and the guys followed with "Nothing Like a Dame." Both numbers were very cute. "You're the One That I want" from Grease came next, and the kids who played Sandy and Danny were good--I really liked them.

Kate's first main song came next: "Step Too Far" from Aida. It's a trio between Radames, Amneris, and Aida; Kate played Aida and totally rocked the house! Aida is such a powerful part, and in this song she's so torn between her love for Radames and her love for her people. Kate really caught the conflict, and her voice was so strong.

The next number was a really cute one: "Agony" from Into the Woods, and it was performed by the two light/sound guys. I guess someone dropped out at the last minute, so the drama teacher taught these two the song in a couple of days. They were total hams, and really had the audience laughing; it was fun!

The next number was a montage of songs from Les Mis, and oh boy, did these kids really knock the socks off all of us! Kate played Eponine, and it was her songs "On My Own" and "A Little Fall of Rain" that brought my mom and aunt to tears. She was so, so good! The kid who played Jean Valjean was awesome too. He's got the purest voice--perfect for Valjean. "Bring Him Home" gave me chills up and down and all over.

"Seasons of Love" from Rent came next, and Kate had worked so hard on this song. She had a solo part in the song with some scatting and then a really, really high note. She was so scared that she'd bomb on that note, but she hit it! It was great, and I was so excited for her! "Grease Lightning" from Grease was a fun number too. The guys are all actually pretty good singers and got into their parts--unusual, I think, for young teenage boys.

"What's the Matter with the Man?" from Cinderella was a real hoot. This is my favorite song from this musical, and the two girls who sang it were so very obnixious--perfect for the ugly stepsisters! The guys had one last number: "Carrying the Banner" from Newsies. This was probably the best I've heard them perform this one--and I sat in on quite a few rehearsals. And that reminds me: funny story about this number. During the last rehearsal two of the boys are supposed to get into a "fight" and chase each other around the stage. They throw a couple fake punches at each other, and it's funny. Well, last night one of those fake punches turned into a real one. I guess, they just got too close, and one kid punched the other right in the eye. The Punchee then flipped the Puncher the bird before finishing the rehearsal. Good stuff.

The final number was "We're All in this Together" from High School Musical, which will be their play at the end of this year. This is actually a pretty fun song, I think, and their dancing was cute. Kate was Gabriella in this song--she's hoping to get the part again when they do the full play. The kids had a lot of fun with this final number, and the audience went wild for them.

Before we knew it, they were coming out for cutain calls and final bows. Then it was over. :(

But we've still got two more performances tomorrow! :)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just Had to Share . . .

You Belong in London

A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.

One more reason for me to go to London--even on-line quizzes say it's my city!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ivan the Terrible & Elizabeth I

So this semester I'm taking History of the World since 1500. It's been an interesting class so far. We're covering absolutist monarchs of the 16th century: Ivan the Terrible, Louis XIV, and Elizabeth I. Actually I didn't go to class the day we covered Louis, so I don't know what was so absolutist about him--except that he killed people who left the Catholic church.

We spent most of our time covering Ivan the Terrible--about a week!--because our professor is a Russian historian, and can really go on and on about it. Let me tell you, Ivan was pretty terrible! I'll spare you the grisley details, but suffice it to say, I thought I was going to throw up a couple of times. He makes Hitler look like a nice guy. Blech!

Today we covered Elizabeth I, and I was slightly disappointed in the lecture. I think that Elizabeth's reign is one of the most fascinating in history, and it bummed me out that we glossed over it one day--especially after a week of Ivan. Blech! I mean, the woman was one of the most powerful women in the history of the world; ruled England for 45 years; built the world's most powerful navy from nothing, and destroyed the Spanish Armada; expanded England's military, political, and economic power; formalized the Anglican faith, and brought religious peace to England; was a patron of the arts (Shakespeare anyone??); and had a most fascinating personal life. Wouldn't you agree that she deserves more than a quick, 40 minute summary?

The Rennaisance is one of the greatest cultural revolutions--ever!--and this is the time that England really rises into power and becomes one of the greatest forces in the Western world!! And we skip over all that for sick-o Ivan the Terrible?!? Blech!

OK, I've got that off my chest now. Maybe now my wounds can start to heal.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

John and Abigail Adams

I watched the last half of American Experience last night. This episode was about John Adams, and actually, I learned quite a bit about him that I never knew before. I've long been interested in his wife, Abigail, and their correspondence with each other, but this program also touched on Adams's feelings about his place in history, his up-and-down relationship with Jefferson, and a little bit about his relationship with his children (at this was what was covered in the parts I watched). I would really like to watch the whole program sometime.

There was a great historian that was interviewed for the program. She had more personality than most PBS documentary historians have, and I was always a little glad when they cut to her. I've got to find out her name--maybe she'll have some interesting books or something.

David McCullough was, of course, also interviewd. It was weird seeing him interviewed and putting a face to that distinctive voice. A couple of times, if I glanced down or something, I would get confused as whether he was being interviewed, or narrating the program! And this reminds me: *Note to self* Read 1776!!